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September 09, 2024

The Smart-Digital-Green SDG Innovation Network creates the first Canadian Institute in Advanced Air Mobility at YMX Aérocité International of Mirabel, with the Support of ADM Aéroports de Montréal, and Launches a First Project and a Chair in Electric Air Mobility

Advanced Air Mobility “AAM” is an emerging sector of air transport resulting from major advances in electric propulsion (motors, batteries, fuel cells, electronic controllers, etc.) and the growing need to improve services to people. Electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft are the most recent examples of technology in this sector. More than 600 prototypes, 350 companies involved and 20 billion dollars invested in the aircraft component of the AAM are a vote of confidence. Compared to traditional aircraft, they have the potential to provide more affordable, efficient and environmentally friendly transportation in urban communities, suburbs, rural and remote areas.


The government of Québec announced on May 20 the creation of an aerospace innovation zone "Espace Aéro", located in Longueuil, Mirabel and Montreal, with an investment of $415 million to increase the attractiveness of Québec in the aerospace field.


“To contribute to Québec Espace Aéro in becoming a world leader in decarbonization, advanced air mobility and autonomous and intelligent systems and to meet the challenge of the emerging AAM sector, we are extremely happy, with the support of ADM, to announce, at the occasion of the ICAO AAM Symposium held in Montréal, the creation of the first Canadian Institute for Advanced Air Mobility in Mirabel. The Institute will have a research vocation, directed by Prof. Jean-Marc Frayret at Polytechnique and a training vocation, led by Prof. Carole El-Ayoubi at Concordia”, commented Prof. Hany Moustapha, from the École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) and Director General of the SDG Innovation Network.

The Institute has around thirty professors in AAM and its mission is to “Create a critical mass of researchers and professionals in the field of advanced air mobility (AAM): digital, intelligent and sustainable to support the “Espace Aéro” of Québec.


The objectives of the Institute are:


• Meet the R&D needs in Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) of companies in the Espace Aéro in Montreal, Mirabel and St-Hubert;

• Act as a research and training observatory for the AAM;

• Be a key player in the development of knowledge and skills in the field of AAM;

• Raise awareness among different communities and stakeholders about the emergence of a new sector of activity;

• Contribute to the positioning of Quebec and Canada as a center of influence on an international scale in the field of AAM;


The Institute will have three TEAM (Technologies for Electric Air Mobility) projects, the first of which will be a $3 million project in Digital Twin for Electric Air Mobility and a Research Chair with Prof. Yasmina Maïzi from ESG-UQAM. The project and the chair are co-financed by ADM, Humanitas and funds from the federal and provincial governments. The project will involve 15 professors and 24 students from five universities. The project includes air traffic management, simulation, control and regulation, cybersecurity, 5G/6G network architecture, technology testing and operationalization of multimodal automated logistics, Vertiport network design and the deployment of resources (for the Mirabel-Alma corridor), IoT infrastructure, social and economic acceptability, technological demonstration, etc.


The Institute will work in close collaboration with Aéro Montréal, CRIAQ, the Alma Drone Center of Excellence (CED), the Integrated Air Mobility Program (IAM) of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and the Cégep of Saint-Jérôme for continuing education.


“ADM is enthusiastic to be involved in the creation of this Institute and these research and training projects. YMX International Aerocity of Mirabel is a unique aeronautical hub in North America. YMX plays a central role in Espace Aéro, the aerospace innovation zone in Québec, in terms of flight testing and sustainable and intelligent air mobility. This project is part of our desire to create an aerospace innovation center and contribute to the impact of Espace Aéro,” commented Mr. Yves Beauchamp, President and CEO of ADM Aéroports de Montréal.


“Humanitas Solutions is proud to partner with this Advanced Air Mobility Institute, as are its partners XSpace.AI and Nanook.Telecom. By investing in research and development, we not only strengthen our strategic position, but we also contribute to making Québec a world leader in sustainable and intelligent air mobility. This collaboration will help propel our innovations on an international scale, while meeting the growing needs of the aerospace sector. » commented Mr. Abdo Shabah, CEO of Humanitas Solutions.

NRC-IAM, U.Concordia, Wisk, Polytechnique, SDG/ETS, Aéro Montréal, ADM, CED, U.Sherbrooke (ICAO, Sept. 9, 2024)

July 25, 2024

Yves Beauchamp Announces an Electric Air Mobility Chair for the SDG Network

During the 2024 Farnborough Airshow, Yves Beauchamp, CEO of Montréal Airport (ADM), announced a $1M contribution for the creation of four industrial chairs in electric air mobility for the SDG Innovation Network. This initiative is part of a project with a total budget of 15 million Canadian dollars. The announcement was made at the Aéro Montréal evening on July 24, in the presence of 150 participants from industry, academia, and government, who warmly welcomed the news.

These industrial chairs are part of the TEAM project (Technology for Electric Air Mobility), supported by the SDG Network in collaboration with ADM, Humanitas, and other industrial partners. The chairs will be established at Polytechnique Montréal, UQAM, ÉTS, and Concordia.

The five-year project will cover topics such as cybersecurity, 5G telecommunications, the Internet of Things (IoT), air traffic, and more. Some simulations and tests of eVTOLs will be conducted at the Mirabel Innovation Center for the development and certification of eVTOLs. A demonstration corridor will also be established between Mirabel and Alma for the eVTOLs.

Hany Moustapha, General Director of SDG, led the ADM team in fruitful discussions with other partners such as Aéro Montréal, CRIAQ, Wisk, Ericsson, OPAL-RT, MHI, Cranfield University, and the NRC.

This project, the first of its kind in Canada, underscores SDG Innovation's commitment to the future of electric air mobility and positions Montréal as a global leader in this field.​ Thanks to this unprecedented collaboration between industry and academia, we eagerly anticipate the groundbreaking advancements that will emerge from this unique initiative.

June 05, 2024

The 5th Annual SDG Innovation Network Summer School at ESG UQAM

The SDG Innovation Network successfully organized the 5th edition of its summer school on May 23 and 24, 2024 at ESG UQAM. The event brought together students, researchers, professors and industry partners to exchange ideas on smart, digital and green issues.

The summer school offered a rich scientific program, including lectures, workshops, competitions and poster exhibitions, as well as networking opportunities. Highlights of the program included

Speeches and lectures: Ideas on topics such as "Excellence 5.0 - AI for operational excellence", "Sustainable IT Awareness" and "Low Emission Aviation at NRC".

Workshops: Interactive sessions on IoT and Power BI.

Competitions and projects: Student competitions and project presentations with prizes for the best ideas.

Networking and social events: Cocktails and poster exhibitions for enhanced networking opportunities.

This year, discussions focused on the theme "Frugality & Connectivity for Industry X.0", providing a platform for innovative ideas and collaborative solutions.

We were delighted to see such a large turnout, and look forward to the continued collaboration and innovation sparked by this event.


April 04, 2024

Hany Moustapha, The Grand Ambassador

Prof. Dr. Hany Moustapha was given the title of "Grand Ambassador" by Palais des congrès de Montréal in the 4th of April 2024. He is honored for his great contribution to the economic and societal development of the community.

Read more here:

34th Ambassadors' Gala of the Palais des congrès de Montréal : 14 Ambassadors honoured for their contribution to promoting Montréal (

2024 Ambassadors' Gala : The Ambassadors - Montréal Convention Centre (

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-03 at 14.37.45.jpeg

November 30, 2023

[La Presse] Détecter les pannes… avant les pannes

"A small Quebec-based company is set to launch a predictive maintenance software for drones into the market. This will mark the culmination of a research and development endeavor conducted collaboratively with multiple university partners. These partnerships have been indispensable in enabling the small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) to achieve such a high level of innovation." 

Read the full article

November 13, 2023

Quebec Aerospace Museum (QAM)
Professor Hany Moustapha elected President

September 13, 2023

SDG Innovation Network: A succesful strategic meeting

September 5, 2023

[La PresseA sustainable fuel, for when ?

The aerospace industry's decarbonization objectives call for a considerable reduction in the use of fossil fuels. Far from being a utopia, the use of sustainable alternative fuels is already a reality. An overview with Jean Paquin, President of SAF+Consortium, and Hany Moustapha, Director of SDG Innovation Network and Professor at the École de technologie supérieure (ETS).

April, 2023 

Following the success of Phase 1 of OTN, Quebec's Ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie (MEIE) has renewed its confidence and announced a $5 million envelope for the SDG Innovation Network to support and accelerate technological innovation by Quebec SMEs.

March, 2023 

NSERC CREATE grant awarded to the SDG Innovation and CEOS*Net Networks

The 6-year "Training Program for Leadership in Science and Engineering of Manufacturing Systems 4.0 (Industrial Component)" project is funded by NSERC under the Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program to the tune of $1,649,623.

April, 2022 

As part of its new Offensive de transformation numérique (OTN) programme, Quebec's Ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie (MEIE) has announced a $600,000 envelope for the SDG Innovation Network to support and accelerate technological innovation by Quebec SMEs.

May 13, 2021


[RFID Journal] RTLS in 2021: Where Do We Stand?

Real-time location systems (RTLS) have been adopted by a growing number of organizations in all sectors in which knowledge of the real-time location and status of mobile objects (e.g., products, people and assets) is important. During the last decade, IoT-enabled RTLS solutions have evolved, and now there are too many options on the market, making it difficult for managers to select the right RTLS for their needs. In this session, the presenter will draw an actualized portrait of RTLS technologies in 2021 and point out the key question that managers need to ask before selecting an RTLS solution.

Click here for more information

April 21, 2021


Call for papers as part of the IEEE International Conference on Technology, Management, Operations and Decisions. Track : Digitalization and SCM4.0 - Paper submissions deadline: August 15, 2021 

April 21, 2021


A hotbed of new technologies, the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, in collaboration with the IoT (Internet of Things) research laboratory at UQAM (Director Ygal Bendavid), has set up a system of connected cabinets that makes it possible to track the uniforms used in the operating rooms in real time.


Photo Courtsey of LaPresse+

March 29, 2021


You are cordially invited to attend the 2nd Edition of the Summer School 4.0 entitled  Digital transformation: innovation & management. This edition is organised by the Innovation 4.0 Network jointly with ACFAS 88th Congress

February 25, 2021


Pr. Ygal Bendavid presenting the Innovation 4.0 Network at AQTr's "La 5G, bouleversements et opportunités" event

December 16, 2020


The students (Yacine Berrabah and Nabila Achiri) from the IoT lab receives 1st prize at the Virtual Aerospace Case Study Student Competition  - organized by Aéro Montréal, the Quebec aerospace cluster - December 16, 2020

December 3, 2020


Prof. Georges Abdul-Nour contributes as an expert to The 2020 World Manufacturing Report entitled Manufacturing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. This report, developed with over 50 experts from over 30 countries outlines 10 Key recommendations for a successful and trustworthy adoption of AI in manufacturing.

October 31, 2020


Open call for papers for special issue on "SMEs and Industry 4.0" in Systèmes d'Information et Management - Deadline: January 31th, 2021

May 7, 2020


ETS researchers propose a solution for SMEs

A Flexible, Reconfigurable Production Line to Better Respond to Crises

March 3, 2020


Learn about the highlights of Forum Cirano – ADRIQ 2020

February 12, 2020


Walmart will add robots in 650 stores by next summer. Does the future of the retail industry lie in robotics?

Prospectives with professor Ygal Bendavid (UQAM).

February 12, 2020


Open call for papers for special issue on "Micro-devices in the Area of Industry 4.0" in MICROMACHINES MDPI


February 10, 2020


Open call for papers for special issue ''Manufacturing Process Engineering in Industrie 4.0'' in JMMP MDPI

Special Issue Banner.png

November 22, 2019


Two awards for APN inc. on Novembre 21th, 2019

(1) Pierre Fitzgibbon, Quebec Minister of Economy and Innovation, presents a Performance Award to Jean Proteau, Co-President at APN inc. under the Independant Manufacturing SME category

(2) APN received the 2019 Innovation Award under the Digital Transformation category during the 2019 Innovation Award Gala organised by ADRIQ-RCTi

November 1, 2019


Portrait 2019 of Advanced Manufacturing in Quebec

Presentation at AGA of REAI

Septembre 13, 2019


Industry 4.0 Summer School organised by the Innovation 4.0 Network: Inaugural edition is a resounding success 

Septembre 12, 2019


URGENT - Two calls for project proposal in Artificial Intelligence 


Deadline: September 30th, 2019

August 26, 2019


Digital Enterprise as explained by Siemens

Driving the digital transformation by  integrating automation, software, and cutting-edge technologies.

August 26, 2019


The first online course on Digitisation in Aeronautics and Space kicks off in autumn 2019. For registration, please send an email to:

Enrolment for this online course is free of charge; confirmation of participation may be issued on request.​​

May 10, 2019

Femmes 4.0: Increase the representation of women in the Quebec manufacturing sector


May 10, 2019

$ 5.4 million to support the development of the Quebec Network of Industrial Centers of Expertise 4.0

April 27, 2019

The co-founders of the Innovation 4.0 Network, Professors Bendavid (UQAM) and De Santa-Eulalia (Université Sherbrooke), gave an interview on Industry 4.0 in Quebec (Le Devoir).

April 17, 2019

Pr. Hany Moustapha, an advisory board member of the Industry of Things World Europe 2019 in Berlin, September 15-17.

April 1, 2019


At Hannover Messe, Siemens presented numerous additions to its Digital Enterprise portfolio for the next level of digital transformation in the discrete and process industries


  • This year's trade fair slogan "Digital Enterprise – Thinking industry further!"

  • Roadmap for the factory and process automation of the future

  • Scalable concept up to the MindSphere IoT operating system leads to renaissance on the shopfloor

  • Enhanced portfolio: cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and Edge computing increase productivity and flexibility

April 11, 2019

Pr. Hany Moustapha presenting the ÉTS Innovation 4.0 Hub and the Quebec Network 4.0 at UQTR's half-day on Industry 4.0


On April 11, 2019, the Director of Innovation 4.0 Hub and Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at ÉTS, Hany Moustapha, presented a conference on Industry 4.0 at the haft-day organized by UQTR. You can view his presentation in PDF format by clicking on the link below. 

January 16, 2019


Eight Quebec Universities partnering to create the Réseau Innovation 4.0 Network


Eight (8) Quebec universities were present Thursday morning at École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), to create the "Réseau Innovation 4.0 Netwrok". The main goal of the Innovation 4.0 Network is to establish collaboration between Québec universities in Research and Development and training of Quebec's highly skilled workforce for various fields of application of the technologies of Industry 4.0.


Quebec universities participation are: Concordia University, École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Laval University, Polytechnique Montréal, McGill University, Université de Sherbrooke, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and Université du Québec à Trois Rivières (UQTR).

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