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Innovation SDG Network Objectives

Innovation SDG Network is a promising initiative for which the Quebec and Canada governments have expressed an interest. Faced with a growing need for organizations in terms of technological development and support in this digital shift, members of Innovation SDG Network consider that there is a need to support the university mission in this area, in collaboration with initiatives already in place such as ADRIQ, CRIQ, IVADO, ENCQOR. Innovation SDG Network will therefore bring together researchers and practitioners from various organizations, whose multiple and complementary expertise will reach various business sectors. This Innovation SDG Network will be a showcase of Quebec’s achievements and expertise in Industry 5.0. It is therefore not only a mean to satisfy a growing demand from companies for research and technological development, but also for training. Thus, there is a strong need to train the skilled 5.0 workforce to integrate into centers of excellence and SMEs. Innovation 5.0 Network will ultimately be an important platform for collaboration among universities in research, knowledge sharing, fundraising and access to infrastructure and ressource sharing.


The objectives of Innovation SDG Network fall into two groups, respectively applied research and its governance, as well as knowledge transfer and training.

Applied Research

  • Transfer and application of technology to the Industry 5.0;

  • Collaborative research projects in Industry 5.0 technologies;

  • Seek joint funding;

  • Establishment of national and international partnerships;

  • Hire professors in the field of 5.0;

  • Sharing and invest in laboratories and equipment of research.


Knowledge Transfer and Training

  • Support and promote students activities (internships, scientific clubs, forums, industry visits, conferences, workshops, competitions, etc.);

  • Academic programs through continuous improvement of existing programs to better meet the changing needs of industry and students, sharing resources and expertise, creating new collaborative programs, etc.;

  • Professional development courses and workshops for students, engineers and professionals;

  • Develop a Master and Summer School program in Smart-Digital-Green Entreprise;

  • Sharing best practices.

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